Jake Herringbone

Why do I love so many things? I'm set on a plan to discover why. It's my favorite kind of philosophy, because I believe the pursuit of understanding such a positive feeling engenders more of the same.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Getting things done

I'm kind of excited at the moment about this GTD productivity methodology. So far I have been much more successful at accomplishing things, the sort of things I would have left for "later" previously. I've only read the first part of Allen's book, with some of the theory, and am starting into the mechanics of the system now.

The problem is that it's easy to be productive and stick to a new regime while it's new and exciting. I'm reminded of the Hawthorne Effect which suggests that any change to your working environment can make you more productive, regardless of the change. Perhaps this means that if my productivity goes down, I should just stop doing GTD, and it will go back up!

No, first try what the expert says, then make up something stupid. Not the other way around. Have to remember that...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I'm back

I suffered a miserable failure when I tried to embed a picture of the Jimmy Dean microwaveable chocolate-chip pancake-based pigs in a blanket ona stick, the worlds greatest late nite munchie food. I dragged it into my blogger dashboard widget, and it appeared in that view, but I was expecting a little too much for it to html that up to the original location of the image...

I'm trying GTD ("Getting things done", a book by David Allen) lately - see 43 Folders. We'll see if I get more things done. One of them might be blogging more, who knows?